Human Rights Violations throughout history!

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Japanese Internment Camps

Shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japanese forces, president Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 with the intention of preventing espionage on American shores. This executive order targeted between 110,000 and 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry. However, it did affect American citizens that are not of Japanese descent. The FBI arrested Japanese Americans without evidence and search their homes for weapons. This violates the Fourth Amendment, which protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures by law enforcement officers. In addition, this is a human rights violation because any American who steps on this land has constitutional rights. Depriving a citizen of these rights is not only a constitutional violation, but a human rights violation.

African American Disenfranchisement

During the Reconstruction period, many southern whites tried to take away the rights of African Americans through several of ways. For example, in the south, they required African Americans to take literacy tests and other tests, in order to vote. This was a racist attempt at disenfranching African Americans because white southeners believed that they were incompetent and illiterate. The Northerners who were mostly abolitionists and against slavery enforced legislation that allowed African Americans to vote through the 15th Amendment. As a result, this increased tensions between the races as the white southerners wanted African Americans to not vote. In the mid 1960s,the Civil Rights Movement was at its peak, which focused on ending segregation between the races and racial inequalities. In 1964, the Civil Rights Act was passed and the Twenty-fourth Amendment, which ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

Border Wall Issue

Agents along the border use tear gas, pepper spray,and smoke on more than 100 migrants who tried to enter the country illegally. Mexico's National Commission of Human Rights said an “adolescent” was injured by the tear gas U.S. authorities fired at the migrants attempting to break through the border. There should be more effective ways of preventing the migrants from coming across the border,instead of resorting to violence as an answer. However, the press can sometimes manipulate this information by depicting the migrants as animals that need to be controlled and that's why weeapons are necessary against them. Large number of the migrants attempted to run through the vehicle traffic lanes at the San Ysidro port of entry on Sunday, while others tried to breach the fences surrounding the port. In a large scale, Donald Trump wants to crack down on immigration by paying $5 billion dollars for the border wall. It is too much money for a wall, which is one the reasons why the Democrats refuse to fund for it, but they do beleive in securing America from terroists and those who smuggle drugs into the countries. The Democrat's stubborness has led to the longest government shutdown in United States histroy by Donald Trump. Many government workers are not getting paid and can't pay their bills on time.

The Holocaust

The Holocaust is an example of a genocide or mass killing of a national group, which is considered a human rights violation. This was deterimend in Nuremberg, Germany, where senior Nazis with, “crimes against humanity”, which were defined to include “murder, cruel treatment and persecution of a group based on its race or ethnicity in order to destroy the group”. Another trial was with a supposed "nazi", who drove the jews to the concentration camps, as it was his duty to do so under Hitler's authority. When the "nazi" was put on trial, he didn't believe that he was responsible or that he contributed to the Holocaust because he was just ordered by an authoritative figure to do his job. This trial has been looked at through a phycological lense, in which, people tend to commit heinous acts under the rule of authority, but try to acquiesce by trying to free themselves under the rule of authority.After World War II the nations of the world were determined to prevent such grave crimes from recurring or, at the very least, to ensure that they would in future be severely punished. New international treaties on human rights, the humane treatment of civilians in time of war, sanctuary for refugees, and the elimination of racial discrimination came into effect. Since World War II, America has had a negative relationship with Germany and even potrays Germans as apes, who steal women and are animals. In modern day America, Obama awarded $12 million dollars in “assistance” to Holocaust survivors. The money was given to help these deserving survivors to help the quarter of whom live below the poverty line. In other countries Germany awarded over a billion dollars primarily to the government of Israel, which had resettled many Holocaust survivors. This money helped a community who had lost everything – family members, friends, homes, clothing, jewelry, their livelihoods.